This game was created for the #156 Trijam game jam, and it is my very first game created and published.

Brew a tea and find out what are you today based on the tea blend chosen. Simply drag and drop the chosen herb to the slots and enjoy. You can click on the slots, or move back the items and blend a new tea!

Attention, the tea party has been infected with bugs!  Be gentle with them, though :p

(It might have resolution problems on mobile, thus I suggest playing on a PC/laptop
Also, if no result pops up that's because I couldn't get all combinations covered due to some problems. Just try again with others or in other order. :c )

Sound credits: Relax Ambient Sea Music - szegvari

Anyways, hope you enjoy!


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The game won't start for me

The "you are ..." section remains empty for me even after dragging three different herbs to the three slots. Am I doing something wrong?

Oh, there's been some problem with the result strings and actually not all of the combinations got covered :'D So that might be the reason. Have you tried with other combinations as well?

Ok, after trying out a little more, I now got some text for certain combinations. Since there was no feedback for "wrong" combinations, I first thought that the system isn't working.

Oh yeah, I should have added like an error handler but honestly I was in a bit of a rush to complete the game on time. But after the jam I'll polish it a bit.